by christine victoria alexander

Saturday, February 20, 2021


 Hello world, meet our fourth baby girl, Violet Serena! 

We are all completely smitten with this sweet baby. Her features are so teeny tiny and delicate and she has the most beautiful head of fluffy blonde hair that the girls can't keep rubbing and kissing. Birthing her was the hardest thing I have ever done. It was strenuous and exhausting, and not really like my other births at all. I am so grateful to my incredibly knowledgable and caring birth team for helping me birth her in the comfort of my home. And to my amazing husband for being my rock through all the emotional and physical ups and downs of this pregnancy and birth. I am sooooo happy to be on the other side of this pregnancy snuggling my sweet girl!

She weighed in at 8 lbs 11 oz, my biggest baby yet (though you wouldn't know it because she is so long and lean)! We just had our 2 week checkup and she is healthy and strong and nursing beautifully! 

I was laughing with my midwife at our checkup saying that while the birth was very difficult, Violet is a very easy baby and I think I'd rather have it that way than the other way around! She wakes up for her feedings every 3 hours like clockwork and goes back to sleep as soon as she is done feeding. She is rarely fussy and doesn't mind being bumped, poked, squished and squeezed by her adoring fans all day! 

Enjoy this photo dump of our first 2 weeks together!  

the prettiest flowers from my Poppop & a cozy hand knit sweater from Aunt Julianna

socks for mittens because I never remember to buy mittens before a baby comes

first bath and she loved it until it was time to get out...

(still warming up to) the cutest little animal friend from Aunt Morgan...

daddy & mommy love you so much

I will share more pictures of the girls with Violet soon - we had to keep them apart a lot the last couple weeks due to a cold circulating through the family but now everyone is healthy and I can't wait for all the sister pictures! I have four daughters!!! I could cry (I have, several times! haha postpartum hormones)! God is so good and I feel like the happiest wife and mother in the world! 
Sending big hugs to you all (and especially to family and friends that live too far to visit our cutie! We miss you!) xo

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